Flexible workplaces - just what you need

Modern workplaces must be set up flexibly today. Employees should be able to work from anywhere and on any device.
This brings along numerous advantages for companies and employees and changes the world of work sustainably. Corporate IT must be designed to create the desired freedom.

We ensure that you have the right technical framework for this.

Endpoint Virtualization

A virtual workplace means maximum flexibility for companies and, above all, for their employees. This allows you to simplify without any loss of productivity

  • Home office regulations
  • hybrid working
  • Collaboration with freelancers
  • Worldwide deployment of employees who work 100% in the digital workplace.

Virtual workstations with endpoint virtualization have the following advantages in particular:

Remote Access - Work from anywhere and any device

With Citrix-based virtual applications and desktops, you can provide a complete (virtual) desktop to almost every user.

Regardless of the device, the user can securely access the company's infrastructure and "his" work interface. For the user, accessing a virtual desktop feels the same as accessing a physical computer

All you need is sufficient internet connection.

Maximum available applications and systems

As a modern company, you use numerous, specialized applications that should be accessible to specific teams.

With virtual desktops via cloud-based technologies, access and deployment of applications can be ensured much more easily than on-premise.

Improved data protection and data security

In addition to their employees, the most valuable thing for companies today is their data. The more flexible the work structures, the higher the security risk one might think.
Cloud-based technologies such as Virtual Workplaces offer a range of security features that prevent your data and applications from being copied or leaving your data center without authorization.

Virtualization on many levels

Endpoint virtualization

Creation of virtual user interfaces like in Office

Endpoint virtualization

A Virtual Workplace is a computer system hosted by a host server or cloud-based infrastructure. A Virtual Workplace emulates a physical computer and provides users with remote access to their digital work environments, regardless of their location.

With endpoint virtualization, we set up these virtual workstations for your employees. The first step to implementing a virtual desktop system is understanding your current IT infrastructure and requirements. This includes assessing your existing hardware and software as well as your network infrastructure.  

In addition to the organizational benefits it brings to your employees, we also ensure that the appropriate safety precautions are in place.

The data is stored centrally and not on individual devices, reducing the risk of data loss or theft . Security updates and patches are managed and applied centrally, significantly increasing protection against threats.

Technology selection for your VDs

As required: AVD, Citrix 3D and VMware

Technology selection for your VDs

This virtual workstation technology has developed significantly in recent years and includes various solutions such as Azure Virtual Desktop, Citrix 3D and VMware, in which we specialize.  

Choosing the virtual desktop solution that's right for you is the next step. Citrix offers a range of solutions, including Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops and Citrix on Azure, tailored to your organization's specific needs. Some of these also work on-premise or only in the cloud.

The security and availability of your IT systems and user interfaces are higher than with conventional desktop solutions.

Secure application delivery

Security for you and your users

Secure application delivery

We reliably increase the security of your user accounts, your applications and your sensitive company and user data.

We don't just rely on passwords, we also support you by setting up multi-factor authentication.

We can also protect complex environments with many applications, data and devices with appropriate access and identity management .

We equip you with Citrix Next Generation Firewalls to protect you against cyber attacks on your applications, which increasingly run on the Internet.

State-of-the-art working environment, practical and safe

Virtual workplaces increase productivity because your employees can work anywhere under the same conditions even outside the office and remain completely autonomous and flexible.

By using a virtual office, companies can save significant costs on office space, hardware and software.  

They lead to better motivation and increase employee loyalty because they can work flexibly and are therefore satisfied and more committed.  

Increase security: With appropriate technology, you can better organize and protect the access, use and management of your data, applications and intellectual property.

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Reference projects Virtual Workplace

Here you can see real examples of companies whose workplace virtualization we have successfully implemented.