Your roadmap for migrating to the cloud.

Our Cloud Advisory Services also include the creation of a detailed plan for migrating to the cloud. The ORBIT Cloud Roadmap covers all the important factors to consider when transitioning your IT to the cloud.

Expert guidance with the Cloud Roadmap

Only a few companies are able to successfully migrate to the cloud without assistance or a well-defined plan. Even if you already have a cloud strategy in place, with the ORBIT Cloud Roadmap, you can have confidence that:

Scope of cloud migration

We will assess and collaborate with you in determining which applications and technologies are suitable for migration to the cloud.  Not everything needs to be "cloud ready" from the beginning. 

Process of Cloud Migration

We will guide you in selecting the appropriate cloud partner and, based on your specific cloud architecture and application needs, we will establish the necessary details for the landing zone.

More than lift & shift

We don't just perform the migration by moving everything to a cloud. We define precise criteria for assessing your cloud readiness and check the relevant security standards.

The Cloud Roadmap includes:

Application Assessment

Evaluating and selecting your applications

Application Assessment

Every application portfolio is unique, as is the business it supports. Therefore, we need to determine precisely which applications are currently in use and which ones are suitable for migration to the cloud, ensuring that it delivers the desired success for our clients.

We approach the application assessment with great detail

  • Complete representation of the current application portfolio
  • What are these applications used for?
  • What dependencies exist among the applications in the portfolio and what relevance do the applications have for the company's business
  • Identifying risks associated with the applications
  • Cloud Maturity Score for each application


Designing the target architecture in the cloud for your applications


We provide recommendations on how to optimally configure your modern cloud infrastructure. This ensures  seamless operation with your applications and optimal support for your business.

  • Customised application architecture for the cloud
  • Defining the necessary resources based on performance requirements
  • Optimising applications prior to cloud migration
  • Definition of a reference architecture

Landing Zone Principles

Preparing the cloud environment

Landing Zone Principles

Prior to moving your applications to the cloud, it is essential to prepare your cloud environment for the migration.

The first step is to define the exact landing zone principles.

They contain, among other things, the requirements for the landing zone. This is  the basis for the future applications before being transferred, the compliance guidelines as well as the requirements of the development teams. We strive for designing a secure and high-performant cloud. At the same time, we intent to make your team significantly faster and more flexible in their development tasks. 

TCO & business case

Costs of Migration and Impact on Cost Structure

TCO & business case

ORBIT conducts a thorough analysis of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), comparing on-premise solutions with cloud alternatives.

We always take a multi-year perspective.

By utilising our 160+ methodology and taking into account the actual IT costs within your organisation, we provide a realistic assessment of migration costs and potential savings (capital expenditure vs. operational expenditure).

Throughout our cloud consulting process, we not only evaluate the technical and financial aspects of IT, but also assess the impact on the entire company. We work closely with all involved departments and users.



Action Steps & Plan

Migration plan without interruptions

Action Steps & Plan

The migration must take place without disrupting your day-to-day business operations and the functionality of your IT processes.

A detailed action plan will be created, outlining the steps from planning to testing the new environment, leading up to the final implementation. This often reveals potential improvements for your internal processes,. We can collaboratively incorporate theses improvements and test them with your teams. Migration presents an opportunity to reassess existing practises.

We have extensive experience working with teams on this transformative journey.


With a cloud roadmap, you have a clear direction:

You will receive a comprehensive guide for a successful migration to the cloud based on your individual situation.

You will understand the advantages and disadvantages of different migration scenarios, such as IaaS, PaaS, SaaS.


The required architecture and landing zone as well as all security, compliance and governance standards are defined and specified in your individual cloud roadmap.


You will have a clear understanding of the scope, timeline, and precise costs of the migration.

You will have acomprehensive plan and cost evaluation, which also includes potential post-migration projects.

Cloud Migration with your individual strategy

When you move to the cloud with our Cloud Advisory and Cloud Migration Services, we leave nothing to chance.

Examples of cloud projects

We have already supported numerous well-known companies on their journey to the cloud.