Raiffeisen Bank (CZ)

Raiffeisen Bank Czech Republic: Capacity planning VMWare

Czech Raiffeisenbank came to ORBIT with a mandate to improve control over capacity planning of its VMware platform. This should result in savings compared to individual clusters and virtual machines (VM). On the other hand, the focus for banks is to ensure high availability of their services.

As a private and commercial bank, it is one of the largest providers on the Czech market.

Thanks to our in-depth knowledge from other internal projects with Raiffeisen Bank, we were able to specifically implement the optimization and consolidation of the virtual platforms. In addition to capacity planning, reporting of available resources and licensing models for central software packages should be improved.

Mr. Jiří Koutník , Head of System Administration, emphasizes : "With ORBIT's optimized capacity planning, we solve two tasks at once: In addition to capacity planning and resource optimization, we now also maintain a current and historical overview of the utilization of our platforms."

Virtual Machines Capacity Planning

  • Total volume 3500 virtual machines
  • 95 VMware Hypervisors
  • 100 million records every day
  • with around 1500 recommendations per month

Optimizing the configuration of VMs

High availability of the VM platforms while simultaneously controlling the utilization and costs incurred


IT consolidation in-time and in-budget

  • Optimized use of VMware Farm configuration
  • targeted IT consolidation
  • Improved utilization reports and thus also
  • Uncovering savings potential within existing clusters and VMs

Project phases until the end of February 2022

  • Starting phase: Measurement of the utilization and configurations of the VMware platform, approx. 3 months
  • Analysis phase: Derivation of workload trends at the hardware level or the virtual system.
  • Initial recommendations for capacity requirements based on the statistical survey
  • Deployment of a permanent VMware platform capacity planning to the extent required

Challenges and special ORBIT services

  • Optimal configuration of the existing 3500 VMs at Raiffeisen
  • mandatory high availability
  • Despite constantly increasing load records, capacity planned and made available in a timely manner when it is needed
  • Technical review of where and how the VMs are connected to other VMs and clusters at the operating system or application middleware level
  • Use of the ORBIT analysis software ORBIT vResControl
  • Expansion of this service as part of IT consolidation for other Raiffeisenbank platforms