AWS – Amazon Web Services

Amazon Web Services

Realize your cloud vision with Orbit Cloud Solutions and Amazon Web Services (AWS) - the world's leading cloud platform.

AWS offers an unparalleled range of services with over 200 services available globally. From small startups to large corporations and major government agencies, millions of customers rely on AWS to increase agility, reduce costs, and innovate faster.

Since January 2024 we are also certified "AWS Lambda Delivery" partners. 

What are you interested in?
AWS advanced tier services

Why Amazon Web Services as a cloud platform? 

With a broader range of features than other cloud providers, AWS makes moving to the cloud quick, easy and cost-effective.

Be it infrastructure solutions or new technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, data lakes and the Internet of Things - AWS offers you the tools to develop almost anything you can imagine. Discover the benefits of AWS and we'll ensure you always have the best tool for the job.

It provides many advantages:

Revolutionize your business with data

AWS provides you with exactly the virtual resources you need to operate your IT infrastructure and applications securely and flexibly in the AWS Cloud. A wide range of innovative cloud services offer everything you need for a migration to the cloud.

Maximum scalability of cloud capacity

The required server capacity can be expanded or reduced at any time "at the push of a button", so you can scale the scope and costs of your resources as needed.

Reliable cloud partner

AWS operates a globally distributed infrastructure with numerous, fail-safe data centers. This makes AWS services highly available and reliable. This is particularly important for companies that have high governance and compliance guidelines.

AWS offers legally compliant data overview

With AWS, you always know where your data is, who has access to it, and what is happening with it at every step of the data workflow. You remain the owner of your data and can manage and move it encrypted. This means you are complying with the data protection laws that apply to you.

Maximum security

With AWS cloud applications you can increase the security level of your data and applications. Whether encryption, access and attack controls, monitoring, firewalls and DDoS protection, with AWS you meet international security standards and compliance requirements.

Cost efficiency and cost transparency

With AWS, you only pay for the services you need, for as long as you use them, and without long-term commitments or complex licensing. This allows you to optimize your IT costs and only pay for what you actually use.

Cloud Services as an Advanced Tier Partner from AWS:

Cloud Advisory: Cloud strategy & roadmap

Switching to the cloud depends on your initial situation

Cloud Advisory: Cloud strategy & roadmap

Orbit Cloud Solutions is your trusted partner when it comes to creating your customized cloud strategy and roadmap for Amazon Web Services (AWS). Our team of experts brings a wealth of experience and know-how to guide you safely through the most important phase of your cloud journey - from cloud maturity, the compliance requirements to which you are subject, as well as an infrastructure and application assessment, we carry all the information together that are required as a basis for your cloud strategy and the roadmap derived from it.

With Orbit Cloud Solutions at your side, you benefit from a tailored strategy based on your individual needs and goals. Our cloud consultants are experts in their field and know the challenges that companies face on the way to the cloud. That's why we understand that no two companies are the same and that every organization needs a unique strategy. We take the time to fully understand your business and requirements before developing a tailored approach tailored to your specific needs.

AWS Migration Acceleration Program

Migration with AWS MAP and AWS Tools

AWS Migration Acceleration Program

When migrating to the AWS Cloud, our certified AWS experts use the proven AWS tools.

Orbit Cloud Solutions is your trusted partner to take full advantage of the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP). With our expertise, we support you through the migration process and use unique tools to accelerate the migration. We help you reduce costs and support you in all phases of your cloud migration.

Cloud migration with AWS Well-Architected Framework

Suitable cloud architecture with AWS WAF

Cloud migration with AWS Well-Architected Framework

Orbit Cloud Solutions leverages the AWS Well-Architected framework to optimize your cloud workloads for operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, cost optimization and sustainability. With our expertise and experience, we are with you every step of the way to develop an efficient, secure and sustainable cloud architecture that meets changing business needs and minimizes environmental impact.

AWS Lambda Delivery

Validated for best practices with AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda Delivery

As AWS Lambda Partners we help you build services and applications without provisioning or managing servers. As such we support you build or migrate solutions to a microservices architecture running on serverless computing. AWS Lambda Ready Partners provide developer tooling solutions validated by AWS serverless experts against the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

The results speaks for themselves

Comprehensive AWS know-how from Orbit Cloud Solutions

Robust, scalable and secure AWS cloud architecture

Based on proven principles and practices

You benefit from cost-efficient, sustainable and future-proof cloud solutions that optimally meet your business needs and drive your growth.

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